精選課程 | 台北市補習班推薦網
2020年6月18日—趁著暑假鍛鍊大學課堂及校園生活必備的英語力吧!本課程是LTTC與英國頂尖的南安普敦大學(UniversityofSouthampton,簡稱UoS)共同為台灣 ...
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses are set in a safe environment and designed using semi-authentic and authentic academic material to give students general and specific training on the skills and processes that they will need to research, extract and present information, compile a paper, and communicate in an academic setting. But most of all, EAP trains students to be autonomous learners who are self-reflective, allowing them to see their deficiencies and make improvements where needed.
~Simon Pereira, Coordinator of the LTTC EAP Program
LTTC課程網 | 台北市補習班推薦網
LTTC課程網 | 台北市補習班推薦網
LTTC 財團法人語言訓練測驗中心 | 台北市補習班推薦網
The Language Training ... | 台北市補習班推薦網
國高中暑期英語體驗營活動報導 | 台北市補習班推薦網
全民英檢活動報導GEPT Events | 台北市補習班推薦網
語言訓練測驗中心 | 台北市補習班推薦網
學術英語暑期先修班 | 台北市補習班推薦網
精選課程 | 台北市補習班推薦網